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Dream Diary

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Dream Diary Empty Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Sat May 18, 2024 3:26 pm

for funsies gonna start cataloging dreams I have here, and may talk about a few ive had in the past if i feel like it
that being said this first dream is Not Fun

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Sun May 19, 2024 4:20 pm

I was in my bed when one of my brothers called me out to the living room. It was nighttime, and he was playing Spelunky 2 on a laptop that looked like mine. He had a pretty good run going, having just grabbed the ankh in the temple area of the game (odd because the ankh is not located in the temple), though as soon as I started watching he died nearly immediately due to an unusually high number of crush traps and got very sad. After a minute, I asked if I could play a run, and he said yes, but then the dream ended.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by Starmeadows Mon May 20, 2024 2:57 pm

Hey, just to be curious, can we post our own dreams here or on separate threads?

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Tue May 21, 2024 7:35 pm

Yeah that’s fine if you want to post your own dreams here :3

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Thu May 23, 2024 3:33 pm

I had two different dreams last night that were very different. The first was me and my girlfie spending a whole day together, we hung about and kissed and it was awesome :3. The second one started with me getting disqualified from this massive competition which started with people jumping off from a pit to reach the next stage of it because I didn’t jump in. I then took a golf cart to get back home, and had a pretty normal drive. As a I was nearing home though, Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd starting playing, and as it reached the guitar solo in the middle I turned away from going home and jumped a big hill. And then woke up.

Last edited by agedcheez on Sun May 26, 2024 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Fri May 24, 2024 9:45 pm

Had a dream where for some reason on Steam TUNIC was renamed to Fox Game. It was also on a massive sale, costing only $2, though it also had a DLC which you could buy for $15. I remember that the DLC looked really cool from the pictures, but I was unable to get it or see much of it before the dream ended.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by Starmeadows Sat May 25, 2024 1:09 am

Fox game

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Sun May 26, 2024 2:12 pm

The dream I just had was surprisingly long, it took like 30 minutes to finish. It was a furry visual novel thing, but it was told from the point of view of one of the characters, so it didn’t look like a visual novel. I only knew because at the start it claimed to be the longest work of writing on the Wii, it was called Reunited I think? It had two main characters, who spent a lot of it walking together through this weird watery plain that was covered in wooden debris. They had this brown sack which they were fighting over for a bit before one of them gave up and they walked together normally, the contents of the sack were important but idk what. After a while they reached more solid ground, just outside some college, yet were wary because humans didn’t like them and would attack them. They had a mostly fine time avoiding humans, though near the end messed up and went deep into the campus and got trapped and split up while running. The POV character of the dream dropped the sack while running and managed to successfully get away from most of the police thought after rounding a corner there was still one. One of the students jumped in front of the police and like attempted to reach out to his heart to protect the POV character despite their differences, though the police guy just shot him multiple times. It was weird though, his gun was highly ineffective and didn’t do him much harm, just push him into the ground. The POV character climbed a tree during that and sat in there and hid, and then the dream ended.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Wed May 29, 2024 5:17 pm

I had a dream and it was cool and a few things happened but unfortunately I forgot all the specifics of it oops.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Thu May 30, 2024 8:39 pm

The dream started with me and my brother playing Mario 64, but not the base game, it looked like a rom hack. The level was structured kind of like Bowser in the Fire Sea, with 3 levels that went back and forth and a boss at the end, though it was themed around sand and had a lot of bullies and a very big bully at the end. We went through it from a first person perspective, got a few stars along the way, and got to the boss. For some reason we had guns now, and the bully had a ton of knights with swords and cannons on an arena covered in quicksand. The battle took a while but we won, and instead of getting a start my brother got crowned king. However, an explosion sent me to a ledge where I was barely hanging on to it, hovering over a massive drop. I was struggling to hang on for a very long time (most of the dream), but got help getting back up at the end. The help wasn’t nice though, as they faked out picking me up multiple times, like they would reach out a hand but then pull it back and laugh. I laid on solid ground afterwards.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by Starmeadows Thu May 30, 2024 10:45 pm

every copy of super mario 64 is personalized

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:38 pm

I had a rather scary (at least to me) dream. It started in a little square room with an opening on one side, which I was hesitant to go through for a while. I had been told that there was a maze on the other side and I would be chased though it, but eventually went in. The moment I stepped in I started panicking and running because a shadowy figure starting coming after me. As I ran through the maze, more figures appeared until an entire horde was chasing behind me and I was very scared then. I saw a large set of stairs and a slide thing in the sky, and figured that must be the exit so I went there. Along the way, I picked up a super mushroom, which allowed me to see over the walls of the maze and make my way directly there. Unfortunately, the horde followed me up the stairs, and I also fell from very high up off the slide. After a few more attempts, I never made it past the slide, on the last attempt I fell into one of the walls and then the dream ended.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:43 pm

My dream mostly focused around me playing Chicory: A Colorful Tale. However, before I played Chicory, I was out in me house’s living room watching something on the TV, though left early and played awesome game. It was a whole chapter in the dream which took place in a walled city. Also, there are zombies which chased you for some reason and would reset you to your last checkpoint if they touched you. It was pretty neat of a chapter, with the ending requiring me to sneak past Undyne and a very large bee to escape the city, the bee was kind of the boss fight for the chapter. Also, for some reason it seemed like the goal was to remove color from the world as opposed to restoring it.

Last edited by agedcheez on Mon Jul 01, 2024 2:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:56 pm

The dream started with me getting water from a wall around 200 feet tall, which took a while due to my fear of heights. I then started playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I was looking through the cutscene menu, and watching the classic mode victory cutscene. It was SNES Fox saying you did a great job, and then a little scene played with the Starfox team flying their arwings around. I then started playing online, and things were mostly normal for a bit. Near the end, I met an opponent, and was met with a prompt box asking if I wanted to play them. I selected yes, and they sd’d twice, on their third stock I killed them with an item at 40%. The  game almost crashed after that match, and then the quality dropped greatly to like 480p. It then triggered the classic mode cutscene, although there was an option to have the message said by someone named Wally instead of Fox, but I chose Fox and the cutscene played out as it did before with the dream ending afterwards.

Last edited by agedcheez on Mon Jul 01, 2024 2:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Sat Jun 15, 2024 5:05 pm

I spent most of this dream on a balcony with almost no guardrails. Although before I got on it, I was being dragged into a house, and for some reason was thinking about a nonexistent FNAF game. On the balcony, there were a few of my family members, and I spent a lot of the dream just ambling about. I forget what they were talking about, but at one point in the dream a woman was running at her small son through the nearby street, and her steps were metallic and incredibly loud. After that, I nearly slipped off the edge and was barely able to pull myself up, then went inside where there was an exercise bike, which I got onto, looked at my phone, and then the dream ended.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:11 pm

I had a dream which was long and which I remember but it was also incredibly emotional and personal so I will not be sharing it.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Mon Jul 01, 2024 2:25 pm

I had a dream in which animal hrt existed and it was really cool. For some reason, most of the dream was looping a scene like 10 seconds, which was of a human that just took some of the pills and then turned into a fox. There were also sometimes like microdreams that happened in between that loop, though these were a lot shorter and less memorable.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:12 pm

I was playing Superb Mario 64, though in an odd mix of VR and on a screen. Star Wars Rebels was also playing for some reason on a TV though it was more background. In Mario, I was platforming around this very open level with very tall, thin platforms. Mario could kind of glide for some reason, and at one point I tried to glide from one platform to another, but failed and had to spend a minute climbing a ladder. I’m pretty sure Mario was overthrowing a dictator or something because there was a whole speech about a tyrant and Mario’s freedom fighters. At some point he mentioned the dictator being transphobic, to which my brother I don’t like said is fine with him, bruh moment. Afterwards, Mario got a shopping cart which he then used to go over to this bookshelf. The cart then transformed into a clothes hanger, and Mario used the hook to pull back this box thing, which was apparently blocking a star, and after collecting the star the dream ended.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by Starmeadows Fri Jul 05, 2024 7:31 am

Can't believe a terf took over the mushroom kingdom this time (not bowser we stan bowser)

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:29 pm

Incredibly funny timing for this dream given that year 20 of galaxyclan is coming out today, but my dream was related to things that occurred in year 20, at least what my dream brain says what happened. There were a few things, most of which i don’t remember, but the main one was that Stonestar lost all her lives already and a new cat usurped her leadership position. This was revealed to me by my girlfie who sent me a picture of the new leader because i hadn’t watched year 20 and was out doing something, and i was incredibly excited and confused and worried in the dream seeing the new leader. They had a name i forgot (though their suffix was not star), and their face was orange with thick dark green stripes all along it. Hopefully the real year 20 does not go like this.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by Starmeadows Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:33 pm

That certainly sounds like a Dream. I'm going to watch year 20 and then I'm going to compare the year to the dream. I sure hope nothing bad happens

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:12 pm

I had a dream which was kind of long, though I kind of forgot the first half of it for the most part, so I’m just going to start midway through from where I remember. I was getting out of bed and going outside to do something with my family, though when I stepped outside there was a massive swarm of these large blue beetles. They were about the size of your palm, the color of denim, had like stag beetle horns, and were so numerous they covered most of the many trees in my front yard. A lot of the dream was spent looking at them fly in both awe and a bit of disgust/fear. At one point I took a picture of them to like send to y’all in the server, though I no longer have it as my phone does not store dream photos. Near the end, one bumped into the back of my head with its horns, and it hurt a bit, though not as much as one may have expected.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:37 pm

Had a dream that a youtuber i watch was bisexual

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by agedcheez Wed Jul 17, 2024 5:27 pm

I had a dream which ended up being fully lucid, which was cool. It started out not so and as a scary dream, as the premise of it seemed to be the game Lethal Company but it was me in the game, in my room. There were two of the enemies that stop when you look at them in my room to start, so I was focused and scared of them, though they eventually disappeared, and at some point my brother came into my room, talking about how there was a massive spider. However, I noticed his eyes had 3 pupils each, and he pointed out that my water was doing a weird thing, which is when I noticed it was a dream. I then became very conscious of my situation, and to test out like what I could do while lucid dreaming, I decided to walk through my window. It took a few attempts oddly enough, though after a few I slowly phased through it and sort of popped out the other end. I then made it brighter outside, and decided to try to fly, which was actually a bit finicky. I could get into the air, though I was not that good at going in a specific direction, and also I could not figure out how to go higher than a few dozen feet. Eventually I landed on some soft ground, and decided to end the dream there and woke up.

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

Post by Starmeadows Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:00 pm

Had a dream in which:
-ZombieCleo and CubFan135 were taking something from literal years ago and passing it off as something from today????  But then Cleo got found as Mafia and voted out
-giant fucking meteor in the sky.  Soon as I noticed I triple jumped for the funsies before getting a massive pink chillet (im not fond of paleworld) as my companion.  The meteor was harmless but the chillet crashed me into the ground and i woke up

Last edited by Starmeadows on Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Dream Diary Empty Re: Dream Diary

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