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FairyClan and OakleyClan

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FairyClan and OakleyClan Empty FairyClan and OakleyClan

Post by Starmeadows Tue May 14, 2024 5:13 am

Sooooo, Cherie and I may or may not have started our own clangen playthrough.

I don't think we have much lore on the Clans yet, but here's how my Clan looks!

FairyClan and OakleyClan Screen15

The current cats of interest in my Clan are as follows: Barksting, Stoatpaw, and Wolfpaw.

FairyClan and OakleyClan Screen16

Barksting is from LocustClan, the one Clan neighboring FairyClan that isn't OakleyClan.  He's a bloodthirsty young tom who joined the clan as an 11 moon old apprentice, and is now 16 moons old.  He feels like it's... difficult for him to adjust to FairyClan.  I've noticed that he's been glaring at a specific cat in camp but when I saw who he disliked or felt jealous of, there wasn't a single bar on anyone.  I think he's just... missing things.

FairyClan and OakleyClan Screen17

Stoatpaw is interesting because of how, quite frankly, badass she is.  She's a little molly at the age of 9 moons, and she has already chased a rogue off the territory twice, including in her very first patrol.  She seems to be adept in dealing with them, and I hope she keeps, what do the grown ups say, "slaying"?

FairyClan and OakleyClan Screen18

And last, and certainly not least is Wolfpaw.  He's a 9 moon old tom and he also originates from LocustClan.  The interesting thing about him is that he looks eerily similar to Hailscratch, the Clan's deputy.  This brings about a lot of... questions.

FairyClan and OakleyClan Screen19

They look identical, with the sole exception being their eye colors.  Personally, I think she may be his mum.  The one caveat is that she would have had him at 23 moons old, which... seems pretty young. I dunno. What I am curious of is how the rat gallery thinks of this development. Does anything poke out to you? What could be the fate of these young cats? Tune in one day or another!!!


Posts : 24
Join date : 2024-05-11
Age : 23
Location : who knows :3

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