Auroral Aether
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The Rulebook!!

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The Rulebook!! Empty The Rulebook!!

Post by Starmeadows Sat May 11, 2024 6:46 pm

Hello and welcome to the Auroral Aether!  Before you do anything else here, you are expected to follow all of the following rules, which apply everywhere regardless of where you are.

Hard rules
(will result in a warning/ban if not followed.)

1) No prick behavior.  Prick behavior includes, but is not limited to:
    -Verbally harassing others
    -Being bigoted.  Racism, queerphobia, ableism, and other forms of bigotry not listed are all protected
       -Includes subtle bigotry too (microagresions, dogwhistles, etc.)
       -If you can reclaim a slur, then don't say it to others if they don't like it.
    -Backseat modding/minimodding.
1a) Prick behavior does NOT include disagreeing, making a mistake, and calling out bigotry.  This includes calling out bigotry in admins or moderators, including me.  Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong.
2) We don't allow NSFW content here.  It goes against Forumotion's community guidelines and we will have minors on this site.  More so the latter, honestly.
3) You may be permabanned for the following actions:
    -Attempting to circumvent a ban
    -Unironically admitting to committing or encouraging others to engage in criminal activity in your country the United States
    -Uploading or linking to material that is illegal in your country or the United States
    -Being a member of, or sympathizing with, any fascist individual, state or organization.  Fascism here is defined as violent, authoritarian ultranationalism.
       -Support for anyone who is committing, or wishes to commit, a real world genocide (modern day Israel, the Heritage Foundation, etc.) counts for this rule, just to be clear.

Soft rules (More of an encouragement to post better than anything; not following these rules will result in positive encouragement to do better)

1) You are NOT cringe.  You are free.  Embrace it.  People who call you cringe are either just mean or they mean that you're mean.  yeah.
2) Effortposting is heavily encouraged.  At the very least, don't just say anything if you don't have anything to add.
3) Have fun!!

Posts : 24
Join date : 2024-05-11
Age : 23
Location : who knows :3

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